Journal Articles

- Albertus, Michael, and Noah Schouela. 2025. "When Redistribution Backfires: Theory and Evidence from Land Reform in Portugal." Journal of Politics, forthcoming. [Data]
- Albertus, Michael, and Kathleen Klaus. 2025. "Land Politics." Annual Review of Political Science, forthcoming in Vol. 28.
- Albertus, Michael, and Noah Schouela. 2025. "Fascist Legacies of Mobilization and Co-Optation: Evidence from Democratic Portugal." Comparative Political Studies, forthcoming. [Data]
- Kaplan, Oliver, Michael Albertus, Diana Senior-Angulo, Gustavo Flores-Macías, Henrique Delgado, Rafael Ioris, Melissa Martinez, and Amy Erica Smith. 2025. "How Covid Changed Latin America.” Journal of Democracy 36(1): 109-122.
- Albertus, Michael. 2023. "The Political Price of Authoritarian Control: Evidence from Francoist Land Settlements in Spain." Journal of Politics, 85(4). JOP blog post on article. [Data]
- Albertus, Michael. 2023. "The Persistence of Rural Underdevelopment: Evidence from Land Reform in Italy." Comparative Political Studies 56(1): 65-100.
- Albertus, Michael, and Guy Grossman. 2021. "The Americas: When Do Voters Support Power Grabs." Journal of Democracy 32(2). Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Mark Deming. 2021. "Branching Out: Consequences of the Dispersion of Authoritarian Elites Across State and Government." Democratization 28(3): 539-561.
- Albertus, Michael, Mauricio Espinoza, and Ricardo Fort. 2020. "Land Reform and Human Capital Development: Evidence from Peru." Journal of Development Economics 147. See coverage of the findings in El Comercio.
- Albertus, Michael. 2020. "Land Reform and Civil Conflict: Theory and Evidence from Peru." American Journal of Political Science 46(2): 256-274. [Data]
- Albertus, Michael, and Bogdan Popescu. 2020. "Does Equalizing Assets Spur Development? Evidence from Large-Scale Land Reform in Peru." Quarterly Journal of Political Science 15(2): 255-295.
- Albertus, Michael. 2019. "Theory and Methods in the Study of Distributive Politics." Political Science Research and Methods 7(3): 629-639.
- Albertus, Michael. 2019. "The Fate of Authoritarian Elites Under Democracy." Journal of Conflict Resolution 63(3): 727-759.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Gay. 2019. "No Better Time Than Now: Future Uncertainty and Private Investment Under Dictatorship." Economics & Politics 31(1): 71-96.
- Albertus, Michael. 2019. "The Effect of Coffee Price Shocks on Public Lands Distribution: Evidence from Colombia." World Development 113: 294-308.
- Albertus, Michael, Thomas Brambor, and Ricardo Ceneviva. 2018. “Land Inequality and Rural Unrest: Theory and Evidence from Brazil.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 62(3): 557-96. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael. 2017. "Landowners and Democracy: The Social Origins of Democracy Reconsidered." World Politics 69(2): 233-76. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Gay. 2017. "Unlikely Democrats: Elite Uncertainty Under Autocracy and Democratization." American Journal of Political Science 61(3): 624-41. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, Alberto Diaz-Cayeros, Beatriz Magaloni, and Barry Weingast. 2016. “Authoritarian Survival and Poverty Traps: Land Reform in Mexico.” World Development 77: 154-170. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Menaldo. 2016. "Capital in the Twenty-First Century – In the Rest of the World." Annual Review of Political Science 19: 49-66.
- Albertus, Michael. 2015. “The Role of Subnational Politicians In Distributive Politics: Political Bias in Venezuela's Land Reform under Chávez.” Comparative Political Studies 48(13): 1667-1710. See an op-ed I published in Foreign Policy that links this project to Venezuela's 2015 elections and an op-ed I published in Foreign Policy that links this project to Hugo Chávez's 2012 re-election. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael. 2015. “Explaining Patterns of Redistribution Under Autocracy: The Case of Peru's Revolution from Above.” Latin American Research Review 50(2): 107-134. Cited in USAID’s Land Tenure and Property Rights Peru Country Profile.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Menaldo. 2014. “Gaming Democracy: Elite Dominance During Transition and Prospects for Redistribution.” British Journal of Political Science 44(3): 575-603. See an op-ed we published in the New York Times and op-ed we published in the USA Today using data from this project and relating it to the Arab Spring revolutions. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Menaldo. 2014. "Dealing with Dictators: Negotiated Democratization and the Fate of Outgoing Autocrats." International Studies Quarterly 58(3): 550-65. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael. 2013. “Vote Buying with Multiple Distributive Goods.” Comparative Political Studies 46(9): 1082-1111. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Oliver Kaplan. 2013. “Land Reform as a Counterinsurgency Policy: The Case of Colombia.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 57(2): 198-231. See op-eds we published in Foreign Policy (here) and in the New York Times (here) that link this project to current political developments in Colombia. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Menaldo. 2012. “If You’re Against Them You’re with Us: The Effect of Expropriation on Autocratic Survival.” Comparative Political Studies 45(8): 973-1003. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Menaldo. 2012. “Dictators as Founding Fathers? The Role of Constitutions Under Autocracy.” Economics & Politics 24(3): 279-306. Supplementary Appendix.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Menaldo. 2012. “Coercive Capacity and the Prospects for Democratization.” Comparative Politics 44(2): 151-69.
Book Chapters
- Albertus, Michael. 2025. "Land in Venezuela’s Long Struggle for Equitable Development.” In Felipe Valencia, ed., Roots of Underdevelopment: A New Economic (and Political) History of Latin America and the Caribbean. Volume 2. Palgrave/Macmillan, forthcoming.
- Albertus, Michael. 2024. "Authoritarian Redistribution." In The Oxford Handbook of Authoritarian Politics (Oxford University Press), edited by Anne-Margret Wolf.
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Menaldo. 2014. “The Political Economy of Autocratic Constitutions.” In Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes (Cambridge University Press), edited by Tom Ginsburg and Alberto Simpser.
Working Papers
- Albertus, Michael, and Jon Rogowski. "The Effects of the Post-Civil War Freedmen's Bureau."
- Albertus, Michael, Mauricio Espinoza, and Ricardo Fort. "Pathways of Development: The Long Shadow of Peru's Inca Road."
- Albertus, Michael. "Indigeneity and Belonging: Evidence from Peru's Peasant Communities."
- Albertus, Michael, and Victor Gay. "The Road to Rebellion: State-Building and Rural Uprisings in the Run-up to the French Revolution."
- Albertus, Michael, and Mark Deming. "Trajectories and Consequences of Authoritarian Elite Persistence Under Democracy."